About Us

Hi Sweeties!

What do you do when you wanna make something pretty? Schmear some frosting on that baby, top it with a cherry, and call it a success!!! Sweet decadence never looked so gooooood. Ooozing doughnut fillings, dripping mirror glazes, glistening fruit tarts, and the awe that all my cake making padawans feel when they stare down the row of delights in a French Patisserie.

What’s most beautiful about this craft? The satisfaction it brings to step back and see that you’ve just made a work of art. Gather around as a family unit to create something and pass along the treasured skills and recipes given to us from past generations.  Learn a little something new, create something stunning, and make an impression.

Passion for cake and sugar artistry started when mom brought home our first Wilton How-To booklet. Sugar then became a favorite medium and a dazzling pastime.

Since I began my education as an artist and art historian, added to this blog will be quirky, educational tidbits on the origin and histories of our sweet making, as well as centuries of art influence on our decorating themes. You can find them in the A Little History Blog Section.

On the left sidebar: You can find shortcuts to Recipes and Tutorials.

On the Right Sidebar: Don’t forget to follow the latest on our social media links!

Learning how to master technique, efficiency in your work space, and having access to invaluable reviews on the tools of the trade, will make your life easier, and allow you to take joy, and relaxation in your artistry.

Let’s get started!